Looking for a software developer?

Avoid these 8 pitfalls

In the fast-growing world of business, finding the right software developer has become a crucial factor for growth and success. But the road to an effective software solution by a party that suits you is often littered with challenges. Do you know what to look out for when looking for a party that suits you? At 10KB, we understand the challenges all too well and offer tailor-made solutions that address the specific pain points of your business.

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Defining clear requirements

One of the biggest stumbling blocks with an external software developer is defining clear requirements. Therefore, it is no easy task to think in advance about what all your application needs to meet. Moreover, many people also have no idea about the endless possibilities in the field of software development. We therefore find it important to distil precise problems in the early stages. This allows us to offer accurate and tailor-made solutions that perfectly suit your business needs. But it also ensures that, if necessary, we refer potential customers to a system that already exists and which exactly meets the demand. And yes, we really do. After all, we want to make cool things that fit what the customer needs, not recreate something that already exists just to fill the hours.

Changing requirements and scope creep

During the software development process, new requirements may emerge or the scope of the project may expand, disrupting the schedule and budget. How a software developer deals with this can vary considerably. Some create exactly what was originally agreed (leaving any brilliant additions unaccounted for), others 'go wild', leaving the project with no end in sight and the budget way over budget. Changes in requirements and scope during development can therefore have a major impact on the project. At 10KB, we manage these challenges using sprints and iterative development. This allows us to continuously manage adjustments and accurately assess the effects of changing requirements. Are we still creating what the customer is asking for? Will we still succeed within the set budget or do we need to discuss expectations and possible adjustments? This allows us to quickly see the long-term consequences of changing requirements and to communicate this to the customer in good time and make adjustments if required.

Technological complexity

Selecting the right technologies for your custom software can be challenging in a rapidly changing landscape. New technologies may offer potential benefits, but can also bring unknown problems. For instance, you don't know whether a new framework will offer enough support in the long term and you even run the risk of vendor lock-in if there are not many other software developers who have mastered a specific technology. At 10KB, we use a proven TechStack with technologies used by large groups of developers worldwide. Because we master many different technologies, we also often know exactly which technology best suits a specific demand. This enables us to provide robust and scalable solutions that integrate seamlessly with your business needs.

Scalability and performance

Everyone naturally wants a custom-made software product to be a grandiose success. Whether that grandiose success means your employees can work a lot more efficiently, or your web application is used by millions of visitors. Designing software that is both scalable and efficient, especially as the user base grows, is a crucial challenge. It must be able to grow with you without affecting performance. In the ideal situation, this has been considered by the software developer at the outset, but more often than not, a lack of scalability is something that becomes a problem in the long run. While allowing software to grow with you without losing performance is essential for sustainable success. Fortunately, scalability is one of our areas of expertise. With every project, no matter how small, we think about the future and ensure that each application can grow with it if necessary, even if it does not seem necessary right now. By thinking ahead, we design applications with efficient growth in mind, so that your systems can move with future requirements.


A concrete example of this approach can be seen at SGI Compliance. This company is the European market leader in health and environment. One of their specialities is asbestos remediation guidance. In the distant past, they had software developed to help companies write an asbestos remediation plan. When they came to us in their search for a new software developer, we took over the development of this application. On the one hand, we focused on stabilising and optimising the current application. On the other hand, we looked at how we could make this application relevant to multiple divisions within the company. Besides asbestos remediation, the app can now be used for soil remediation, demolition & renovation projects. Moreover, it is relatively easy to extend the app for yet other markets.

Security and privacy

Ensuring data security is an ongoing concern, especially when looking for an external software developer. Implementing adequate security measures and complying with privacy regulations are essential. A data leak can have disastrous consequences for a company, its customers and everyone involved. Security can be achieved in many different ways. At 10KB, the focus is on securing your applications at multiple levels, both in the software itself and in the architecture, to provide maximum protection. We make it a sport to see how we can secure web applications in as many areas as possible, without inconveniencing a user. Ensuring data and privacy protection is therefore essential.

Integration with existing systems

Software development usually does not take place in a vacuum. There are often already systems in place, there is already a software package that needs to integrate with the new and, of course, all these components are usually not developed in the same language or framework. Integrating new software with existing systems can therefore be very complex, especially when different technologies and data formats are involved. If a software developer specialises in one specific language, then that integration with other systems can still become quite a challenge. Because we master multiple technologies, it is no problem for us if systems do not (yet) speak the same language. We have expertise in seamlessly integrating various technologies and systems, so that your systems work together optimally.

Maintenance and support

After launch, regular maintenance and adequate support is essential to keep the software running smoothly and adapting to changing needs. Like building a house, you will need to do maintenance to minimise decay. Does the software developer you have chosen have time to do this? Is there enough manpower in-house to switch quickly in case of a failure? After delivery, 10KB offers extensive support if required, including ongoing maintenance and opportunities to add new features. This keeps your software up-to-date, secure and ready for the future.

Project management and communication

Effective communication between the development team, stakeholders and customers is crucial for successful software development. Poor project management can lead to delays and misunderstandings. At 10KB, we like short lines of communication. Our clients therefore have direct contact with our (Dutch-speaking) developers. Moreover, we have regular consultations with our clients based on the length of a sprint and we work with flexible contracts. This makes it relatively easy to schedule more hours if a project needs to be finished earlier, or to schedule no hours for a month if there is nothing to develop. In this way, we minimise misunderstandings and ensure the smooth progress of your project.

Talk to you soon?

Does 10KB sound like a software developer fit for your project? We aim to provide tailor-made solutions that take your business to new heights. Our proven methodologies and love for technology make us the ideal choice for your software development needs (but please judge for yourself). Contact us today for the possibilities!


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