Rails has everything you need the build the best software. Rails is an authentic and very complete web framework. It offers a collection of tools that make the life of a developer so much easier. For example: if we want to use a piece of code at different places, we only have to write it once. Don’t Repeat Yourself - a commandment for everybody who believes in Rails.
Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails makes sure your online application goes live with the speed of light. Without any loss of quality. Sounds good, doesn’t it?

Many know more than one
Rails is an open source framework. The advantage of this, is that thousands of developers participate in the improvement of Rails. This keeps the framework up to date and contributes to quick resolvement of bugs. And not less important: there is enough room for experiment and new ideas. Because Ruby is such a success, you have probably already come across a Rails application before. Web applications from companies such as Airbnb, Fiverr & Kickstarter all run on RoR.
Fast and steady
Convention Over Configuration. Don’t be frightened. We won’t tire you with some kind of technical story. What it comes down to, is that Rails doesn’t want developers to reinvent the wheel. For a lot of functionalities there is great code already. Instead of rewriting everything, we only customize the elements that need to be changed. In this manner we can step up the pace just a little bit more.

Why you should love Rails too
Obviously, you want to see your web application in action as soon as possible. Rails want that too. Rails makes it easy to work towards a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). A MVP is a prototype that possess all the basic functions of your application. This is the basis for further development. Because the code is well-structured and efficient, adjustment later on in the process are easily made.
Know your qualities
We love Rails, but let’s be honest: for some kind of wishes other frameworks are better suited. For example non-web internet applications (like e-mail or chat applications), everything that scales vertically or demands a lot of traffic. Luckily there are other solutions for these questions, like Elixir/Phoenix.
- A fast time to market due to the amount of ready-made plugins;
- Cost efficient;
- Scalable.
- Not a lot of room for creativity/flexibility. For basic tasks and functions, RoR is great, but standardization makes unique features more of a challenge;
- Less suitable for applications that require high amounts of traffic.