We understand that hiring a freelance software developer has its advantages. If you hire a developer at 10KB you can take advantage of all these benefits and we even go a step further. You can hire our software engineers who help you develop custom software, so that your development projects receive the quality support they deserve!
The benefits of a freelancer
With the durability and quality of an agency
Let's chat!
The advantages of a flexible team
More capacity, more proficiency, no worries
Anyone who is involved with quality custom software knows the importance of continuity. At 10KB we help you to guarantee the quality of your software by keeping that continuity in mind. The moment one of our developers starts working on your project, we ensure that flexibility is never at the expense of quality. We take responsibility for the internal transfer of knowledge and guarantee the quality of the written code by means of peer reviews. As a result, you are always assured of filled hours (even if you want to scale this up or down), by a developer who understands your specific project. And if your project is a lot bigger and a single developer is not sufficient? Then we can always be there for you with a whole agile development team!
Whitepaper: The challenges of software outsourcing
when searching for a software developer, you will be faced with a mountain of options. You’ll probably have a lot of questions like: How do I find a party with expertise without paying too much? Do I prefer fast programmers or am I looking for quality? And how do you actually assess the quality of a developer? Especially with software that is essential for your business processes, a wrong choice can cause a lot of headache; like extra costs, safety risks and/or quality problems. Picking a reliable developer is therefore not an easy task. We wrote a whitepaper (in Dutch) in which we list different options of software outsourcing. It’s filled with various advantages and disadvantages of all of these options to help you prevent (costly) mistakes. This way you can always make a responsible choice for the outsourcing (or not) of your software project.

Download the do's en don'ts of development outsourcing
Our technologies
If you work with a certain framework or specific technology, you are (of course) looking for a developer who has knowledge and experience in that area. Our team includes Ruby on Rails developers, React fanatics (especially ask for Martijn) and various TypeScript artists. Because technology is always evolving and we like to keep learning, this list is never finished or complete.
Software ontwikkelen doe je samen
Kortje lijntjes en transparantie
Een prettige samenwerking en het opbouwen van duurzame relaties vinden we minstens net zo belangrijk als de kwaliteit van de software. We zorgen daarom voor korte lijntjes binnen ons team en met onze klanten. En het mooie is: je zit bij ons nergens aan vast. Wil je na een maand de verdere ontwikkelingen intern doorzetten? Prima. Wij geloven in transparantie en meerwaarde creëren, en dat bereik je niet met wurgcontracten. Het intellectueel eigendom van software is en blijft altijd van onze klanten.